
Benefits - Family

For Everyone

As the extended summer break comes to an end, numerous parents welcome the sound of the school bell. However, the return to school also signifies a return to the quest for nutritious school lunch ideas and the challenge of ensuring children stay adequately hydrated throughout the day. With heat waves impacting various parts of Australia, prioritizing hydration for young children becomes even more crucial. 

Fact: Australia's water supplies undergo the addition of up to 50 chemicals, serving diverse purposes related to purification. Among these Chlorine, lead, Fluoride, copper and Aluminium are some of the most prevalent.

Nevertheless, a significant number of children are not opting for water as their beverage of choice. Approximately 65.1% of children consume four or more cups of water a day (equivalent to 1 litre or more), indicating that a considerable proportion of children are selecting alternative, less healthful options. 

Numerous clients have observed that, following the installation of a water filter system, their children show an increased inclination to consume water and more of it primarily due to the removal of the chlorine taste. As well as this some stated that the filtered water wasn't bloating compared to their regular tap water.

While water filter systems effectively eliminate more than just chlorine, it's the enhanced taste that truly sets them apart. Enhancing the flavour of water stands out as a key benefit of filtered water, motivating your kids to simply drink more.

Contact us to get your free water assessment:

Can you taste or smell chlorine, or other odours in your tap water?
Are you aware of any metals or chemicals in your water?
Do you buy bottled water?
Do you consider your tap water for drinking to be:
Do any family members suffer from sensitive skin?
How many people are in your household?
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